
Pick your Battles

My lack of blogging has been due to a lack of sanity. Savanna's been "testing the waters" and it has really been testing my patience. I now understand the phrase "pick your battles" that my mom would use. I have been doing just that. I have learned that there are many things in everyday living that really can be optional--with exception to public places. For example: pants, shoes, and socks...optional; looking at the camera...optional; eating from your bowl or the floor...optional; joining mom in the shower fully clothed...optional (towel & cookie included); taking Tylenol--NOT an option, but spitting it all over mom, the couch, and self...optional. Amazingly, naps & bedtime never were a factor in this new concept of "choices" that Savanna has discovered, or rather, I've chosen to ignore. With all of her NEW attributes she's acquired, she's decided it's FUN to talk--well, use more words. My current favorite is "bye" said with a southern accent! It is best when used while exiting Sacrament meeting or mom's class mid-meeting for numerous reasons. She likes to say it to her Daddy multiple times while he's leaving for work or she'll say it to me with her "purse" in hand/on shoulder and proceed to walk to the other room.

**purse is used lightly because some items chosen resemble NOTHING of the sort.


Meredith said...

Wow, what a spunky little one you have. She definitely marches to her own beat, but at least makes you laugh pretty hard along the way huh?! The shower one is too much!

Cassie said...

I'm right there with ya! We just need to remember - "This too shall pass!" :)