
the BIG 3-0!

My sweetie's birthday is on the 28th. This year he shared it with Black Friday. Me, being the greatest wife ever, woke up bright & early in order to get the coveted XBOX 360 on sale for a the big birthday surprise. I had asked him casually about the sale price and if it was a good buy, but i guess with all our unexpected expenses he didn't think I'd really buy it for him. {did i mention it came in a bundle pack with MY favorite game: Guitar Hero?? it was a win-win} Then it was dunkin' doughnuts for breakfast and ice cream cake after dinner. Happy Birthday Sweetie!

it's 4am. . .

where are you??
me. . .
1. Wal*Mart
2. Kohl's
3. Target
Done. Done. Done.


giving thanks

so i forgot to take pictures of the actual feast. but i did get pictures of what i am most thankful for this year. . .

running water in my kitchen and a NEW faucet!

{not too mention the two handy-men who fixed the blasted thing}

now that the actual cooking/menu planning is over and the food consumed i can be honest and say--in the 5 plus years we've been on our own for Thanksgiving, I've never made the turkey!! we were blessed to have Chris's grandparents come up from DC and visit...or perform various manual labor tasks. either way, we are happy they came! Gma Wilson cleaned, stuffed, and basted the turkey {& made the stuffing, or dressing, from scratch--hello!} i just baked the green bean casserole and complained about the "guts" being in my kitchen. i steered clear of the gravy because i knew the contents, but devoured the mashed potatoes and banana cream pie. we invited the missionaries over and savanna was in 7th heaven. I'm not sure who had more fun playing, them or her. it was low-key and delicious. just the way i like it.


don't worry ladies--i cropped off our bums!

To be honest I think I would have enjoyed just about anything we did this evening because it was just us girls. I believe there ended up being about 15-16 people in our group. Before I was leaving Chris asked how many people I was going with, then replied, "really? It's that big of a deal?" Ummm. . .YEAH! I had a lot of fun and the added sound effects from the crowd of teen girls {i.e. screaming} just added to the whole experience. I don't want to say too much, because I know there are still so many who haven't seen it. So I won't say much as far as what it's about. All in all, I was entertained. If you like shows on the WB, you will love this. That's probably the best thing I can compare it to. I was not happy with who played "Edward" when I first heard about the casting and still wasn't happy at the beginning of the movie. However, he DID grow on me about halfway through. Some of the "supernatural" qualities of the vampires that seem so awesome and almost "natural" in the book are a little "hokey" when you actually see them on the screen. But other than that, I think the movie was very well done. There are actually quite a few familiar faces and they all did a great job. But more so than anything, it was just a blast to be there with such a fun group....in our matchies! LOL!


i got the fever. . .

Twilight Fever!!

in ONE hour i will be dragging my hubby and savanna out the door for pizza and friendly bonding time. it is then that i will gather the girls {and our team edward gear} and giggle all the way to the theater like 12 year old girls. there is nothing quite like a girls night! there is sure to be fun, laughter, and snacks--lots of snacks :)
full report ASAP

until then, take a peek at the custom shirts i threw together--i know! i'm awesome!! {not too mention a bit too excited for this movie}


word of the day

according to Savanna:


is the Word of the Day.
Heaven help ME!!


now accepting orders for christmas

it's a work in progress, but my blog is OPEN for business. i still need to tweak a few things here and there. not to mention get all my photo's and ideas posted. seeing as how i'm already shopping for Christmas, i thought maybe some of you may be too. if you have any questions please feel free to ask. thanks to everyone who has helped me with advertising {or allowing me to use your house as my "studio"} feel free to post my link in your sidebar *wink, wink*
*of course the web address would help: timelessexpressionsvinyl.blogspot.com, or you can just click on the TE banner.


i just thought i should let everyone know that the little discs/name tags for the FHE board i made apparently serve TWO purposes:

1. you can choose to use it for it's intended purpose. . .


2. they can compliment any outfit just like mommies ning-nings--bwahhahaha!

{she loops the chain over her ears--so inventive}


TV alert!!

if you are NOT watching Oprah--turn it on!
Great and CHEAP simple ideas to organize your home.

Peter Walsh just helpd a lady clean out a messy kitchen cabinet AND organize it in, get this, 7 minutes! Holy crap! that's how long it takes to go pee! {okay, not really, but seriously astonishing}

this just in: go to OPRAH.COM within 48 hrs. and sign up for a FREE snapfish book (8 1/2 x 11) and that's not all. . .more secrets to come. I'm so giddy you'd think I was the one whose house they were cleaning on the show. LOL!


busy little bee

i canNOT believe i am still awake. let alone blogging. BUT i had to give myself a pat on the back for all that i accomplished today and what better way to do so than brag about it to all of you! really and truly i wanted to record this so when asked what i do in a day i can refer my inquiring hubby, friend, or stranger to this here post.

6am -- rise-n-shine it's "SAVANNA time!" {this means that she watches tv and continually wake me from my restless slumber on the couch}

8:30am -- i finally give-up and head to the fridge from some much needed DC

9am -- try to call the doctor to no avail. i know i have an ear infection. seriously, how old am i? i'll try again tomorrow. change tv channel for Savanna. it seems Hanny Manny is not fitting the bill today. thank goodness Backyardigans is on Nickelodeon :)

9:30am -- ummm. i can't remember much else besides A LOT of phone calls, a trip to target, a solo trip to joann's/michael's and of course completing all of THIS off my "to do" list:

*fold 3 loads of laundry

*load dishwasher

*swiffer main level

*make a milk run. . .no milk=no nap!

*clean-out car {well, at least the garbage and trunk}

*locate numerous mis-placed items

*visit Patti {okay, so she's really the owner of our local gas station, but Savanna LOVES her and i can always use a 79 cent coke. it's a win/win situation}

*prep a bunch of Christmas items for website listing

*edit website, design more lettering, order supplies. it's almost ready to be viewed by public eyes. . .this week! i promise!

*wrap Christmas gifts to be shipped to Utah--i know! i'm amazed too.

*paint all of these:

in order to make a bunch of these:
(e-mail me if you want to order one too. the business blog is coming SOON!)

*broke out the sewing machine to do a few little holiday decorating only to realise it's in need of a tune-up. that's on my list for tomorrow.

*danced to Barney, Dora, and Yo, Gabba Gabba! {ummm. . .NOT by myself}

*semi-help with the yard clean-up. meaning i used the leaf blower while Chris did the actual manual labor :)

i'm sure there's more to add, but you get the idea. i'm a busy girl, but a happy one!


i *heart* sunday

before you roll your eyes, let me explain. . .

Sunday's have not always been a "good day" for me. there are times when it seems they are the hardest days. getting there on time, with everything, and a smile are few and far between...but it's after i get to church that i *heart* Sundays.
i think maybe a little bit of savanna's two-year old enthusiasm has rubbed off on me. she LOVES church!! walking into the chapel is like her own runway show. she waves, smiles, and sometimes giggles at those we pass. i think today i finally able to see the church experience through the eyes of a child. . .my child. of course it helped that it was the primary program.
I LOVE THE Primary Program!! there is a special spirit that the children bring to the meeting and the message is simple, yet to the point. i was really struggling to not let my "ugly" cry out {luckily savanna helped}. there were moments i feared her yelling to "me fends" she could see on the stand, but instead she smiled and helped me understand what was happening--"here dey come...all done...amen...dey singin'...where'd aye go? thanks for the help Saaaaavannnnaaaaa!
i just couldn't get enough of her today. she HAD to sit next to the aisle, she sat quietly and waited for the Sacrament or "Jesus bread/water" as she likes to call it. When it was time to sing she'd hold her mini-hymn book and bellow along with the rest of us. i found out today that she is very focused on the chorister. watching his every move and even mirroring him at times. LOL! she was sooo excited to go to nursery that we practically ran there. hallelujah!! when i asked her this afternoon what she did in nursery she said "bayed dackson." it's just a hunch, but i'm guessing they did more than just play with Jackson.
Relief Society today was just what i needed. i learned so much, not just from the lesson, but from the sisters comments. the spirit felt different. new. kind of refreshing. i'm worried that in all my giddiness i talked too much. then blubbered and rambled while conducting. it was one of those Sunday's when the lesson was just for ME! i actually think i am going to re-read it. i am lovin' the little boost i received today.


after waiting, and waiting, and more waiting...this little bedding set went on SALE and is currently on it's way to MY doorstep. now i just need to paint the room; hang the shelves and pictures; paint her furniture white. then, my masterpiece will be complete! tweet, tweet!


lookin' good!

hamin' it up

my daughter is A HAM! meaning that she's weird, goofy, and cracks me up.

say cheese.

i said "Look At ME!" and she DID!

today was absolutely gorgeous outside. it was a perfect fall day AND we took advantage and met our friends at the park. on the way there we passed a car she recognized and exclaimed, "Emma, WOO HOO!" Ummm. . .that's not Emma's car and where did she learn woo hoo?? she has become quite the observant one lately. at the park Savanna made a b-line for the swings. i noticed today that she's a loud swinger {if there is such a thing}. she squeals, giggles, and laughs the WHOLE time. she likes for me to "dodadog" or push her underdog style. i had to laugh because in most of the pictures i took today, she was not smiling, but frozen in terror. crazy girl!

the new phrase of the moment is "watch" or "watch this!" so, if you're ever curious as to what i'm doing at any given time on any given day. . .i'm watching!

i want candy

The Loot

much to my surprise {and joy} Savanna is not really interested in eating her candy. she finds more enjoyment in offering it to ME. she's also very good at tasting ALL of it. one lick on the lollipop. one bite out of the candy bar. usually it's sorted and stacked or placed in a line. this is what she did with the pumpkins from our "autumn mix" bowl of candy.