for my own reasons and for future leverage with Easton i shall record the events that occurred today.
it started normally. savanna crawling over me into our bed at 5am-ish. Easton yelling and banging his crib rail against the wall at 6am-ish. me in a bad mood.
i herd everyone into the kitchen then upstairs to watch cartoons. i sneak back to bed for all of 5 min before my cover is blown and i'm discovered under the covers. dang. i fulfill requests and return to bed...sooo tired.
with Savanna entertained with a tv show and Chris in the shower, i give Easton my cell phone to fiddle with while i close my eyes for a minute. *R-I-N-G* i jump out of bed, take the phone away and it begins...
"Hi, ma'am this is 911 we just received a call from this number"
i admit that my phone was being used as a toy, but the key pad was locked. proceed to give my information and explain that the screaming child in the background is crying because i took said "toy" away. the day continues...
just as we're sitting down for snacks {breakfast for me} there's a knock at the door. i know who it is before i even open it. yup. two police officers checking in. i get lectured and they leave. what next?!?
Easton's 15 month check-up. shots. trauma. two crying kids. this calls for reinforcement--Nana'a house! my mom and i visit while Easton destroys. he's started climbing--nough' said. i load em' up and return home about 5:30ish.
unload kids, unload car, feed kids, feed self. then i play with Savanna for the longest 30 min ever only to be rescued by a diaper "situation." after that is under control we venture upstairs so i can zone out in front of the news. i soon find myself cleaning.
with all the toys put away and the kids entertained with the vacuum i decide to finally move all the media equipment into the new tv console. just as i am finishing up...WHACK! Easton hits the tv with a plastic block. not hard but just perfect to put a 4 inch crack in the screen.
*s%*!* Chris's new tv.
it was working after the initial incident, but won't turn back on. seriously. a day that started with a call to the police and i feared, for a moment,it would end that way too. thankfully that call was not necessary, but a call to the store and samsung will be.
that, my friends, is what is called a "shit, damn, hell" day!
{thanks Lara}
The Densley's
my bad
so sorry that this blog has been neglected for so long. i will do better. surprisingly, i have a lot to say and find myself "blogging" in my head on a regular basis. with lack of a better excuse, taking the time to update our daily activities has not been a priority. i am overwhelmed with just the mundane tasks of daily life add to that my motherly duties, church callings, etc. i found myself choosing to read a book or catch up on missed tv shows instead of booting up the laptop {which currently is having issues of it's own}, and taking the time to post pictures and commentary for all to enjoy. sorry. your emails, texts, and phone calls were much appreciated and not in vain. i'm working on getting it all updated. although, my pictures are not loading--maybe tonight. any tips on loading pics will be greatly appreciated. thanks!
San Fran
*pictures coming soon--technical difficulties*
my hubby pulled out all the stops for our anniversary this year. first, was the plane tickets out of town with arrangements for the kiddos taken care of. second, tickets to WICKED 7th row center stage.
shut up! it was F A B U L O U S! totally want to see it again. cracked me up AND gave me chills it was that good!
we saw the sights, ate dinner in 'real' sit-down restaurants, walked the Pier, took the scenic route {because no one would start crying or need to pee}, browsed the shops, and slept in. we could have stayed one more day, maybe two...or faked our own death and never returned. *wink*
we saw the sights, ate dinner in 'real' sit-down restaurants, walked the Pier, took the scenic route {because no one would start crying or need to pee}, browsed the shops, and slept in. we could have stayed one more day, maybe two...or faked our own death and never returned. *wink*
the weather was colder than normal and the clouds blocked my view of "the bridge," but it didn't dampen my spirits one bit. and to think the whole weekend almost ended before it began with my gold medal sprint from security in terminal 1, to the gate in the basement of terminal 2. only to realize that in 5 years of flying delta this was the one time the flight would taxi and take off early...seriously, it was a totally "made for tv moment" and nothing an ice cold diet coke and krispy creme doughnut couldn't fix. plus i used the additional time to "people watch" in the airport. it was a dream!!
just what i needed
i've been struggling to create a routine that works, practice moderation in all things, and find the joy in motherhood that so many others experience. it seems to have been "one of those days," most days around here lately. but i'm better now because i watched this. it was just what i needed to hear. tomorrow will be a better day and a vaycay with my hubby this weekend is sure to help too.
it's always good to know that i'm not the only one struggling with crying, cranky kids. one day i'll miss these days. one day.
it's always good to know that i'm not the only one struggling with crying, cranky kids. one day i'll miss these days. one day.
she's a keeper
her latest obsession is playing my "compooter." she thinks it's awesome that she can do it all herself. i think it's awesome that she's fully entertained and i get to overhear all the little "oup, agh, whoops, yeah" the whole time. although, i now have to "take turns" throughout the day if i want to check email, blog, etc.
she likes to tattle. worried about what your child is doing in the other room when your not looking. no worries, she'd let you know if they're doing something "questionable"
she's picked up the phrase "oh my gosh"
she currently refers to people/strangers as "customers"
she explains things is great detail, but often backwards. nouns before adjectives or verbs.
she won't eat white animal crackers, only pink
if something has glitter, it has "sprinkles"
she loves to dress herself. lately it's all about dresses. she likes to "twirl like a princess"
if asked to complete a task she often thinks for a minute, then replies "sure" {with a slight Boston accent} or "i no want to"
if she doesn't want something she'll say "i no like it"
if she wants to know why? she'll use how? {"how you do that?"}
she likes to find "mingos" while driving in the's a game my niece taught her. when a yellow car is spotted you yell "BINGO" and get a point.
she still calls milk- muck, much to the dismay of her cousins
Easton had his NINE month check yesterday and....drum roll please
he's healthy!
*happy dance*
weighing in at 20lbs 15oz staying true to form in the 60th percentile. reaching new heights at 30.2 inches and joining those in the top 90th percentile bracket. of course, keeping with Densley tradition and breaking records with a head circumference of 19.2 inches. great things are expected of this kid.
no ear infections, no asthma related illnesses, nothing! i didn't quite know what to do with myself. he's teething and has been for a while now, but no little teethies have made their debut. he's my little gagster. gags on everything. if it's too sweet--he gags. too bitter--he gags. new texture--gag. stage 3 baby food--gag. i found myself getting frustrated but have since found meal time to be one of pure entertainment. mixing it up for my own enjoyment. because although he will gag, he'll still proceed to take another bite. i'm sure my payback will come in due time.
his loves:
pestering his sister
electrical cords
being outside
knocking things over {block towers, plants, stools}
making noise
his blankies, rock-a-byes, his bed
beginning to love books & babies
his newest trick is pulling himself up to a kneeling position, crawling over things, and discovering that the various pillows & blankets used to hid electrical cords can be pushed aside and access granted. he's very observant. he'll watch you do something, or put something away and as soon as you turn your back he'll make his move. so more baby proofing is in my future.
new words:
ma ma
da da
na na
he'll make a "mmmmmm" sound when he's hungry. he puts his head on the ground, thumps his leg, and cries when he's tired. he thinks hiccups are hilarious. peek-a-boo is a favorite game. swimming and bath time make his day while getting a diaper change is not a priority.
to infinity and beyond
too bad that when i went back to get the "woody"
version they were no longer available...bummer!
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