
it's bad

it's really, really, bad!


i really should have planned better. having a baby at the beginning of the "busy" season was not the smartest thing i have ever done. okay, so it's really not the birth that set off the late-for-everything, short-on-time, and over-booked schedule. it was ME! i need to learn to say "no" more often. i need to lower my expectations. i really, really need that craft room in the basement. *wink, wink*

they say that a picture speaks a thousand words. these are no exception.

Savanna loves having the "upstairs" to play in and watch "my tv" {meaning her shows. when i'm watching something its "mommy's tv"}. organizing it has been a whole other challenge. i HAD to snap this shot not only because this is typically the state of the 'unseen' portion of our house, but it's wasn't even an hour before that i'd just picked up and put everything away. that my friends is why i rarely, if ever, pick-up or put away any of her things. i just kick them to the general area with my feet most of the time.

in our house, the apple didn't fall very far from the tree--

my excuse: i only get a few minutes here/there to work on a project. i get distracted by mundane, everyday chore, kid(s). i have "momnesia." there really isn't an excuse, or need for one. my life is crazier with two and it has taken me by surprise. my goal is to be better at managing my time. until then, this. is. my. life.


Unknown said...

He, he, everybody's been there, don't stress about it! Love you.

Amber said...

Ha ha--Rachel's "playroom" the third bedroom always looks like that too and I am not the cleanest person either--I agree--no sense wasting too much time cleaning it up :-)