
need to get this off my chest

it seems there's been a grey cloud hovering over my head for a few days now. for moments it will disappear, but when it returns it brings showers {as in tears}. i've chalked it up to PMS, stress, etc., but weird things are happening. i'm getting offended, upset, and irritated over things that have never bothered me before. it seems that those who are closest to me are those who i would rather avoid at present. i am not motivated to do the things i normally find enjoyable. i will admit that i am one to hold a grudge and pull the attitude out from time to time, but this new personality is one i am not use too. hopefully it's just a phase of "hormones gone wild" because of all things this could be, i know I AM NOT PREGNANT!


Rae said...

I hope you feel better soon, girl!!!!

Johnston Family said...

Heavens, don't we all have those "homones gone wild" days/weeks!?! No fun, but I will tell you what IS fun...your blog! I love it! I'm glad that we can get all caught up in eachother's lives- you know what I mean.

Cherisa said...

I went through something similar a few weeks back myself. I also went through 3 pregnancy tests just to be sure because it all seemed so insane! I'm sure you'll find yourself back on track (or in a nice jacket with long, long arms?) soon! :)

Amber said...

Sorry I missed your call today-I felt special just hearing you had called though.

Meredith said...

Kim, this week I was going through some old things and found a cute card you'd given me when I was pregnant. It said some of the sweetest things and I thought I should bounce some of your own advice back at you. You said that "being a mother is amazing and will bring you so much closer to the Lord". This has been so true in my life and I'm sure yours too. Sometimes our own advice is what we need to hear and when I came across it I thought you needed to hear that. Just pray and know that you're being a great mom/wife etc. Find joy in motherhood!

Andy said...

Hang in there girl. I've been fighting the downers myself lately. Let's get together soon!