
In the life of a toddler...

the day is not complete unless the house is turned INSIDE OUT...

balls make the BEST babies... any item qualifies as a purse, today I chose a Christmas bell.


Amber said...

NICE! love her choice of purses? where do they get these ideas? Love the braid on the previous post-impressive ;-)

Melanie said...

I wish they loved cleaning it up as much as they love making the mess!

Danielle Rappleye said...

Don't you love how after having kids your house goes from nice and "homey" to chaos and "homely". Honestly what would we do without them, we would have no messes to clean up! She looks like she has grown up so much just since Christmas. Give her a big kiss for me!

Adah said...

hey Kim it looks like you have your hands full!! But man is she cute! I love the hair due.