
A "NEW" Addiction

Those who know me are not shocked to see me with my drink of choice...Diet Coke. My husband recently nudged me in Sacrament meeting as they were speaking about the "Addiction Recovery Program...RUDE! :) Although lately my choices have shifted...I'm currently obsessed with a VAMPIRE named Edward Cullen. My days & nights have been consumed by these books. If you've read them, you understand. If you have not, YOU MUST!

When I first got wave of all the hoopla about this series I was skeptical. Vampires & werewolves are not my favorite characters in book or film & I only associate with such when my husband forces me too! But I was surprised & hooked within the first few pages--WOW!

*Amber, if you're still undecided I'm getting you them for Christmas...you HAVE to read them!!!!


Liz said...

kim! i'm having withdrawals already. i finished the last one last week and now i don't know what do without edward in my life! i can't wait for the next one...

Delise said...

*whispers* I've read them twice...since July

Cherisa said...

I just picked up "Twilight" and have already had to force myeself to turn off the light and actually get some sleep instead of staying up all night reading a few times. I was suprised to find this book in the "Young Adult Fiction" category at the bookstore and was unsure at first. But she is an awesome writer!

Meredith said...

You guys might shun me as a friend, but I'm not really hooked! Edward is in her room now, they just spent the day together(etc.)... I'm hoping it picks up...I won't give up on Edward...just so we can all be friends.

Kimberly said...

Are you finished yet? You really should drag out the last one as long as possible, because it is quite sad when there are no more books to read :(

Amber said...

Well-I guess if you are buying-I could at least give it a shot :-)