her latest obsession is playing my "compooter." she thinks it's awesome that she can do it all herself. i think it's awesome that she's fully entertained and i get to overhear all the little "oup, agh, whoops, yeah" the whole time. although, i now have to "take turns" throughout the day if i want to check email, blog, etc.
she likes to tattle. worried about what your child is doing in the other room when your not looking. no worries, she'd let you know if they're doing something "questionable"
she's picked up the phrase "oh my gosh"
she currently refers to people/strangers as "customers"
she explains things is great detail, but often backwards. nouns before adjectives or verbs.
she won't eat white animal crackers, only pink
if something has glitter, it has "sprinkles"
she loves to dress herself. lately it's all about dresses. she likes to "twirl like a princess"
if asked to complete a task she often thinks for a minute, then replies "sure" {with a slight Boston accent} or "i no want to"
if she doesn't want something she'll say "i no like it"
if she wants to know why? she'll use how? {"how you do that?"}
she likes to find "mingos" while driving in the car...it's a game my niece taught her. when a yellow car is spotted you yell "BINGO" and get a point.
she still calls milk- muck, much to the dismay of her cousins