just peachy
because she's 3
dinosaurs and lions are found in all areas of our house
i'm told to go to time-out more often than she is
dancing and singing are top priorities
everything has a color that is acknowledged immediately when noticed
getting dirty is "cucky" and "spwills" must be cleaned up ASAP
loading and unloading the grocery cart is HER job and if you do it--BEWARE!!
i'm learning to take advantage of the "i do it" attitude and send her on random errands throughout the day if i'm comfy or watching tv :)
tv may not always be the best influence
she actually likes to have her hair done everyday
she repeats the random phrases use on a regular basis: "be right back"; "just a minute"; etc.
"opposites" is a favorite game to play {fast:slow; loud:quiet; big:small; up:down; open:close}